Never Ending Chain of For Search of Simple Money

       And while we are young, we may have to face all of the duty, which makes it necessary for us to work to support ourselves. And even if money is useless as we get older, we still need it to survive.

          Our lives depend strongly on money. It inevitably became a part of our lives. Each person has a financial goal during their lifetime. Some individuals are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to make money from their preferred jobs, but others have to work hard to earn money from something they don't like it!

           We sell a part of our lives for what we need to remain alive. Everyone is aware of the destination, but not everyone is clear of the routes.  Opportunity keeps knocking on the door. And occasionally we grab chance, but sometimes we aren't. Yet the cycle continues. 

            So, at last it's true to say it is "Never Ending Chain Of For Search of Simple Money".   

Disclaimer : - This article is only for knowledge and information sharing and not for any type of recommendation.

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